This course is an introduction to modern abstract algebra. The focus will be on properties of rings and modules over rings.
To formulate the content in a modern way we will give a small introduction into categories and homological algebra. All of these will be explained with examples for easy to understand rings and modules, like fields, the integers, or the polynomial ring.
Main goals of the course
There will be two written homework assignments during the semester, one at the end of week 2 and one at the end of week 5. Both have a time limit until submission of two weeks, the exact deadline will be listed with the assignment. There will also be a final exam after the end of the course. The final grade will be made up of the following parts:
As usual the passing grade will be 60% for the final grade.
We will not follow any specific book, but there will be updated lecture notes available after each lecture. For anyone that is interested in reading up on some more background or additional content, the following books contain various parts of the course: